last day of august

i have no strong reaction really / 
even if august is my least favorite month / 
though september is my third least favorite / 
(after july) / 
(i’m not fond of summer) / 
walking nonetheless / 
peaceful morning / 
birds are chattering but not in the foreground / 
pleasant background but maybe a bit too quiet / 
like they’re a bit shy perhaps // 

the smoke is there, unmistakable by nose and eye to the sky / 
bathed in too-orange morning light / 
but at least as yet i don’t detect that familiar ache in my occipital lobe / 
and for that give thanks / 
and i guess i’m reassured / 
the year’s rhythms carry on / 
summer is cresting / 
it may yet be hot again, it’s not too late for that / 
but this weather today is what people imagine when they dream of moving to the golden promised land / 
smoke notwithstanding / 
nothing good comes free though / 
the weather you dream of comes hand in hand with clockwork dry spells / 
after all a sunny day is one generally without rain / 
especially out west / 
freak summer thunderstorms notwithstanding // 

i like things a little damper and darker / 
thus full of life / 
but i don’t mind this place either / 
its gnarled oaks and bay-scented tangles, / 
its hills and marshes and of course, / 
the coast with perching cypresses and rock-strewn “beaches” / 
and its silent standing mountain watchers living off fog and sea spray / 
and most of all, their ancient towering guardians / 
now turned sentinels / 
burning as they are / 
spreading soot across the bay to valley, mountains, and high plains / 
and i miss them / 
they are the best part of coming home / 
(other than the people) // 

my day driving up made all the difference for my sanity / 
wandering through the canyons carved through mountains rising straight from the world ocean / 
my eyes up like a tourist in the city / 
my lungs soothed by cool humid air / 
my mind by scraggly dropping branches and meadows studded with familiar jewels, / 
the golden monkeyflowers and purplish morning glories twining up whatever they find before them, / 
giant pendulous pink something-flowers strung between trees a hundred feet up in the air / 
like how did they even get there? / 
and of course, the main attraction, those vines’ and flowers’ pole-straight monarchs / 
the mist-damp redwoods / 
though maybe less an attraction than a chance to stand among wizened elders / 
or maybe it’s just that my particular celebrity fandom is arboreal in nature / 
or i’m obsessed with imaginings of an ancient forested before-time / 
that probably never was // 

in any case i come not just for them and solitude on winding coastal highways / 
i also revere the friends of the redwood / 
which never seem to come along when suburban homeowners plant them in their yards / 
the tanoak, fern, and trillium / 
sycamore and bay / 
white-berried lily-of-the-valley / 
old walnuts with deeply darkly furrowed bark / 
madrones and manzanitas with peeling skin more delicate than any old world birch / 
redwood-sorrel like lawns of giant clovers beside canyon-bottom creeks / 
and the most beautiful poison-oak / 
nets of three-leaved lianas encircling old trunks / 
“why not pick me, take me home” they asked / 
leaves painted with crimson and gold as much as with oily pain / 
“you’ve never felt that stinging rash before, who knows maybe you’re immune” / 
caveat temptor / 
(yes i know that doesn’t quite work in latin) // 

i needed to see them all again / 
nine months after that most recent late-morning hike through second-growth giants dwarfing all but the occasional douglas-fir / 
though still probably mere neophytes compared to their enormous forebears / 
clear-cut to build the cities that would soon crumble and burn in the wake of violently shifting tectonic plates / 
but it’s been a long time since all that / 
and newly sacred groves reliably returned after that genocide of all but a handful of hidden ancients // 

that was a good day, that walk in january / 
posing for photos with one parent standing on a curiously curved hillside doug-fir trunk, / 
with the other inside the huge dome of roots of a tipped-over bay tree / 
i was glad to be back on similar trails along similarly lovely ravines / 
where the redwoods are a little smaller, a little scragglier, living as they do a hundred miles south, where there is a little less rain // 

all that is bittersweet now / 
well it was at the time too, because i knew i’d have for only a day what i want for weeks, for months / 
for every day honestly / 
but now moreso / 
that day, three weeks and two days ago, coming as it did only days before punishing hundred-degree heat (sans air conditioning), / 
then deafening thunder setting off car alarms across the city / 
which i somehow managed to sleep through, / 
attendant burning plasma arcing down from the sky, / 
the purple-white roots of a hidden tree in the heavens appearing for only an instant at a time / 
and then flames for endless thousands of acres / 
chasing people off their homes with minimal warning, / 
their principal sin being that they wanted to live close to the trees // 

“mother nature is angry” some say / 
but i think she does not get angry / 
it is we who are angry / 
is it reassuring to project one’s feelings onto gods? / 
maybe i’ll try it sometime / 
i’m not angry / 
not about this at least / 
i just miss my soggy five-finger ferns and incense-cedars bearing lime-green drooping sprays tipped with tiny cones // 

soon enough i’ll be back with my cliff-clinging cacti / 
avoiding yoga moms and burned-out surfers on my walks instead of tech assholes and people i didn’t like and/or don’t remember from high school / 
farther from my parents and oldest friends / 
closer to my stressors, and my independence / 
farther from the burning redwoods / 
closer to the crumbling cliffs home to beloved pines contorted by the wind and aridity into giant bonsai, / 
still locked behind chained fences and unintentionally-angry signs / 
posted to assuage fears of unlikely (but not completely unreasonable) imagined tragedies of viral transmission among the careless tourists / 
doffing their masks to pose for the same insta shot as a thousand others have posted that day / 
scrunching up their faces, jutting hips and flexing muscles just so // 

and probably i’ll have left the redwood smoke just in time for the searing breath of santa ana to whip up flames in more southerly mountains, / 
and fill the air with poisonous particulates only slightly different from the ones filling my lungs right now / 
fewer notes of primeval forest, / 
perhaps more of oily chaparral and dusty inland deserts // 

i hate the summer as only a californian can /// 

~ ·   © zarek siegel 2019   · ~
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